Monday, November 11, 2013

A Piece From My Upcoming Short Stories

I felt the summer wind against my arm as I grabbed the hood. Watched and counted the streetlights feeling closer to God, feeling alive. We knew every troublemaker in town and nothing was going on that night. Causing mayhem and exploring the city was what we did. Now, graduated from high school, my friend Vance and I were exploring what it meant to be adults. Two years ago we were kids set loose on the world with no direction and no idea. Tonight, like most nights, we were just looking for an experience. Scott, Vance asked me, what are we doing tonight?

As a kid you'll make friends with anyone. Alex was the kid across the street. From a broken home with an abusive dad and no attention: Alex was a wildcard. Some days we'd sit home and watch movies, play games and other days we'd be outside climbing mausoleums and walking to the waterfront. Sometimes we'd pay and sometimes we'd steal. One particular night Alex called me up on the house phone and told me he wanted to go for a walk. We ended up in the cemetery under the stars.
Ten years old and our parents never worried about kidnapping. My parents had their hands full with my four other siblings.
Ten years old and Alex asks me; does it ever get better?
I had nothing to tell him. I didn't know. I was neglected in my own way with four siblings I could easily get lost in the shuffle. Instead I chose to enjoy my anonymity.
If my parents grounded me I'd spend a week sleeping at friends' houses. I thought I was being rebellious.
I went to school, I didn't do homework. I did the dishes but my room was a mess, you couldn't tell me to clean something that was mine.
One time in middle school Alex, Vince and I were at this new thing called a 'game cafe' and we were playing a demo game that had just come out,Vince mentioned he was thinking of getting the game and Alex said, "Why? You can just steal it." Alex grabbed the disc and darted out the door before we had time to think. Sprinting down the street, an employee yelling after us, it was the most fun I'd had yet in my life. Running down the street with my heart pounding I remember thinking I wanted to be young forever. Young, with my two best friends, there could be no doubt what life was.
Now, at 22, I can say for a fact that I'm made by the friends that I spent those days with. Inside I'm still running down the street from the cafe, still sleeping under the stars.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

How Did We Ever Meet

We're sitting on the porch smoking a cigarette that we share between us. You run your hand through your black shaggy hair and exhale as you pass the cigarette from your hand to mine. I put it to my mouth and suck but don't breathe. I'm tricking you into thinking that I like to smoke with you on my porch swing that looks like it came from IKEA.
"Not bad," I say, "I prefer Camels."
You nod your head, "I take what I can get."
I hand the cigarette back to you and we sit in silence just a few seconds more. Long enough for both of us to think of something to say. As we both try to start a topic at the same time we stop, look at each other and laugh. "You go first," I say.
"I was going to say you shouldn't hold your breath."
I inhale. "What do you mean?"
"It works much better if you breathe it in." You're looking at your shoes.
"I just--" I don't know what to say. "I don't like smoke."
"You didn't have to lie to me."
I guess I thought I did have to lie. It just wasn't a big deal in my mind. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry," you said, "just be yourself. I like you for you."
"Thanks." My breath catches in my throat, "I was going to say that I really hope we're more than friends." We exchange a look before I continue, "Because with all that we've been through, I just don't think that I could go back to the way things were."
There's silence for what feels like forever.

"Do you remember how we met?" you ask me.
"It was Rocky's birthday and we were all at the bar." I laughed, "I remember."
"I bet you don't remember me staring at you all night," you said, "and how I tried to walk you home."
"No," I said, "I don't remember that at all. I remember you talking to Christina all night until Rocky got totally hammered and you called him a cab. That's when I left."
"I really wanted to walk you home." I can hear the longing in your voice. If you could go back would you have done anything different? Would you have talked to me all night instead?
"I don't regret anything," I say, "I wasn't capable of making any good choices that night anyway."
"At least you didn't make a wrong choice." You're looking down the street as if you can see the ghost of me walking home alone that night. As if you can see the whole event taking place and it is only just out of my line of sight. I wish I could read your mind. I wish you would share what you're thinking with me.
"What if you had walked me home?"
"I would have--" You look at me, think for a moment and then answer, "I would have regretted it."
We don't look at each other for a while. The time passes silently and your cigarette is almost ash. When we finally do look at each other it's you that talks first, "Don't feel like you have to walk on eggshells with me."
"I don't."

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

WALL-E drinking game rules

Anyone says "walle" or "eve" bedsides themselves.
Plant is shown on screen during a scene
"Foreign contaminant" is said
"Rogue robots" is said (two sips)
"Directive" is said
There is a moment of insight for a character
This game is guaranteed to get you hammered.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Our Unique Wants and Needs

How do you gauge what you should be doing from what you shouldn't? In a society where almost all things are accepted where do you draw the line, or do you?
Sure, some things have laws preventing them but besides those bad decisions what is frowned upon?
Nothing is bad unless you make it bad. There is an emotion that we humans feel called "shame" that keeps us from doing wrong. Actually, normally it doesn't stop anyone from doing anything just makes them regret it.
In this world of "shame" and "regret" are the same principals as the old world where a lady's worth was dependent on her reputation. A spotless reputation was marked by a lady who caused no trouble at all and was the picture of piety and accomplishment.  A woman who had to watch her every word and show nothing.
Today we can do anything we want but we still feel that old world "shame" for having sullied our reputations with the shameful act. So can we truly do whatever we want, or is it an illusion?
I believe that if you want something that breaks no laws and harms no one, despite the way society sees it, you should feel no shame. Our wants and needs are unique and we can't all hope to be satisfied by the same "vanilla" lifestyle.
Walking around pretending to be perfect does more harm to society than good. Imagine a world full of clones each one the same as the next.
The next time you are facing a decision take a look at your options. There's always an easy and a hard option. Think about what you want the most and do it without shame. Regardless of how hard it is to be yourself, accomplish your goals or make the right decision for you, the right road is often the one that you want to take.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Without Fear of Consequences

This house is heated past the boiling point. In this heat anyone can look appealing. I’d forgotten how the heat can make you want to do things. Things you never thought you’d do. My stomach flutters and my skin boils. My blood turns bright red under my skin.
The touch is piercing. Cold water reaches up and brings goose bumps to every inch of me. Your hands on my shoulders and their soft skin rub my fears away. There is nothing when I close my eyes but the beat of your heart behind mine. Together we dive in.

Cold sharp water surrounds me in every direction. Distorted light, no sound, but the warmth of your hand finds me and we fall upwards together. We break surface with a splash of moonlight and I reach through the distance between us to give you a kiss. You are my love. My love is a tender and boisterous thing. It cannot be contained or silenced, it cannot hold a secret. You are my love.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

For My Mother

"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

This prayer peeks its head into my life when I need it the most and it reminds me of my mother's struggles through recovery. If she can become the strong woman she is today I know I have nothing less inside of me.

For Dan

“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”
– Mother Teresa

I know for a fact you have said this to me and when I stumbled upon reading it I cried a little to hear your voice again in my head. Thank you.