Monday, May 13, 2019

Stairs and Rain

I had a dream that I had somehow climbed up into the sky with many others. We wanted to go home so we looked down at a perilous fall and wondered where to step first. Someone said to just start walking down and so I reached out my foot as if searching for a step in the dark. It was there, a giant staircase down towards the earth. Each step was hidden in the sky as we walked down first slowly then faster and faster. Until there were no more steps and I had to quickly stop and hold on to the steps behind me that had scrunched up as if becoming a wall I could not walk back up. I got a hold of the step at my shoulders and hung on.

On the left, another set of stairs was coming to meet us. In minutes it was connected and we were fleeing the first stairs for these ones. It felt ominous. As if we were going to fall off of these stairs if we weren't careful but my companions were not afraid and they lead me down the steps which proceeded to feel like falling. "Don't you remember?" they said, "this is when we fall like rain" and suddenly I did remember. I'd done this before and I looked at myself and I was falling with them at an incredible speed but we were not bodies we were rain.
On the ground it was Christmas just as we had left it.

Tom Hardy obscure alien movie, dream

I had a dream last night that I was in a shop, like The Exchange, and came across a movie poster I recognized. I remembered it was an obscure movie, maybe more of a cult classic. The poster reminded me of 2001: A Space Odyssey. I recall Tom Hardy as the alien, unknown until the reveal in the climax, who is dating a scientist woman studying something science-y. I take the poster home and tell Eric about the movie. I really want to watch it but I have no idea what it was called. I have a strong feeling about the rest of the dream and even my memory of the movie but what would a movie like that be named?
In the end, he's really a tiny shape-changing alien who takes human form and dupes this woman. There's an awesome scene where we see his penis develop from alien nothingness. Maybe I was just jonesing for Tom Hardy, maybe I have the next great sci-fi thriller in my head, who knows.